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Conditional Artifacts and Parameters

v3.1 and after

The Conditional Artifacts and Parameters feature enables to assign the Step/DAG level artifacts or parameters based on expression. This introduces a new field fromExpression: ... under Step/DAG level output artifact and expression: ... under step/DAG level output parameter. Both use the expr syntax.

Conditional Artifacts

- name: coinflip
    - - name: flip-coin
        template: flip-coin
    - - name: heads
        template: heads
        when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == heads"
      - name: tails
        template: tails
        when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == tails"
      - name: result
        fromExpression: "steps['flip-coin'].outputs.result == 'heads' ? steps.heads.outputs.artifacts.headsresult : steps.tails.outputs.artifacts.tailsresult"

Conditional Parameters

    - name: coinflip
        - - name: flip-coin
            template: flip-coin
        - - name: heads
            template: heads
            when: "{{steps.flipcoin.outputs.result}} == heads"
          - name: tails
            template: tails
            when: "{{steps.flipcoin.outputs.result}} == tails"
          - name: stepresult
              expression: "steps.flipcoin.outputs.result == 'heads' ? steps.heads.outputs.result : steps.tails.outputs.result"

Built-In Functions

Convenient functions added to support more use cases:

  1. asInt - convert the string to integer (e.g: asInt('1'))
  2. asFloat - convert the string to Float (e.g: asFloat('1.23'))
  3. string - convert the int/float to string (e.g: string(1))
  4. jsonpath - Extract the element from JSON using JSON Path ( e.g: jsonpath('{"employee":{"name":"sonoo","salary":56000,"married":true}}", "$" ) )
  5. Sprig - Support all sprig functions

  6. Advanced example: fibonacci Sequence


Expressions will decode the - as operator if template name has -, it will fail the expression. So here solution for template name which has - in its name. step['one-two-three'].outputs.artifacts


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