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v2.7 and after

You can configure Argo Server to show custom links:

  • A "Get Help" button in the bottom right of the window linking to you organization help pages or chat room.
  • Deep-links to your facilities (e.g. logging facility) in the UI for both the workflow and each workflow pod.

Links can contain placeholder variables. Placeholder variables are indicated by the dollar sign and curly braces: ${variable}.

These are the commonly used variables:

  • ${metadata.namespace}: Kubernetes namespace of the current workflow / pod / event source / sensor
  • ${}: Name of the current workflow / pod / event source / sensor
  • ${status.startedAt}: Start time-stamp of the workflow / pod, in the format of 2021-01-01T10:35:56Z
  • ${status.finishedAt}: End time-stamp of the workflow / pod, in the format of 2021-01-01T10:35:56Z. If the workflow/pod is still running, this variable will be null

See workflow-controller-configmap.yaml for a complete example

v3.1 and after

Epoch time-stamps are available now. These are useful if we want to add links to logging facilities like Grafana or DataDog, as they support Unix epoch time-stamp formats as URL parameters:

  • ${status.startedAtEpoch}: Start time-stamp of the workflow/pod, in the Unix epoch time format in milliseconds, e.g. 1609497000000.
  • ${status.finishedAtEpoch}: End time-stamp of the workflow/pod, in the Unix epoch time format in milliseconds, e.g. 1609497000000. If the workflow/pod is still running, this variable will represent the current time.

v3.1 and after

In addition to the above variables, we can now access all workflow fields under ${workflow}.

For example, one may find it useful to define a custom label in the workflow and access it by ${workflow.metadata.labels.custom_label_name}

We can also access workflow fields in a pod link. For example, ${} returns the name of the workflow instead of the name of the pod.


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