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Prometheus Metrics

v2.7 and after


Argo emits a certain number of controller metrics that inform on the state of the controller at any given time. Furthermore, users can also define their own custom metrics to inform on the state of their Workflows.

Custom Prometheus metrics can be defined to be emitted on a Workflow- and Template-level basis. These can be useful for many cases; some examples:

  • Keeping track of the duration of a Workflow or Template over time, and setting an alert if it goes beyond a threshold
  • Keeping track of the number of times a Workflow or Template fails over time
  • Reporting an important internal metric, such as a model training score or an internal error rate

Emitting custom metrics with Argo is easy, but it's important to understand what makes a good Prometheus metric and the best way to define metrics in Argo to avoid problems such as cardinality explosion.

Metrics and metrics in Argo

There are two kinds of metrics emitted by Argo: controller metrics and custom metrics.

Controller metrics

Metrics that inform on the state of the controller; i.e., they answer the question "What is the state of the controller right now?" Default controller metrics can be scraped from service workflow-controller-metrics at the endpoint <host>:9090/metrics

Custom metrics

Metrics that inform on the state of a Workflow, or a series of Workflows. These custom metrics are defined by the user in the Workflow spec.

Emitting custom metrics is the responsibility of the emitter owner. Since the user defines Workflows in Argo, the user is responsible for emitting metrics correctly.

What is and isn't a Prometheus metric

Prometheus metrics should be thought of as ephemeral data points of running processes; i.e., they are the answer to the question "What is the state of my system right now?". Metrics should report things such as:

  • a counter of the number of times a workflow or steps has failed, or
  • a gauge of workflow duration, or
  • an average of an internal metric such as a model training score or error rate.

Metrics are then routinely scraped and stored and -- when they are correctly designed -- they can represent time series. Aggregating the examples above over time could answer useful questions such as:

  • How has the error rate of this workflow or step changed over time?
  • How has the duration of this workflow changed over time? Is the current workflow running for too long?
  • Is our model improving over time?

Prometheus metrics should not be thought of as a store of data. Since metrics should only report the state of the system at the current time, they should not be used to report historical data such as:

  • the status of an individual instance of a workflow, or
  • how long a particular instance of a step took to run.

Metrics are also ephemeral, meaning there is no guarantee that they will be persisted for any amount of time. If you need a way to view and analyze historical data, consider the workflow archive or reporting to logs.

Default Controller Metrics

Metrics for the Four Golden Signals are:

  • Latency: argo_workflows_queue_latency
  • Traffic: argo_workflows_count and argo_workflows_queue_depth_count
  • Errors: argo_workflows_count and argo_workflows_error_count
  • Saturation: argo_workflows_workers_busy and argo_workflows_workflow_condition


Pods were not seen. E.g. by being deleted by Kubernetes. You should only see this under high load.


This metric's name starts with argo_ not argo_workflows_.


Number of workflow in each phase. The Running count does not mean that a workflows pods are running, just that the controller has scheduled them. A workflow can be stuck in Running with pending pods for a long time.


A count of certain errors incurred by the controller.


Number of API requests sent to the Kubernetes API.


A histogram of durations of operations.


It is possible for a workflow to start, but no pods be running (e.g. cluster is too busy to run them). This metric sheds light on actual work being done.


The number of additions to the queue of workflows or cron workflows.


The depth of the queue of workflows or cron workflows to be processed by the controller.


The time workflows or cron workflows spend in the queue waiting to be processed.


The number of workers that are busy.


The number of workflow with different conditions. This will tell you the number of workflows with running pods.


A count of all Workflow updates processed by the controller.

Metric types

Please see the Prometheus docs on metric types.

How metrics work in Argo

In order to analyze the behavior of a workflow over time, we need to be able to link different instances (i.e. individual executions) of a workflow together into a "series" for the purposes of emitting metrics. We do so by linking them together with the same metric descriptor.

In Prometheus, a metric descriptor is defined as a metric's name and its key-value labels. For example, for a metric tracking the duration of model execution over time, a metric descriptor could be:


This metric then represents the amount of time that "Model A" took to train in the phase "Validation". It is important to understand that the metric name and its labels form the descriptor: argo_workflows_model_exec_time{model_name="model_b",phase="validation"} is a different metric (and will track a different "series" altogether).

Now, whenever we run our first workflow that validates "Model A" a metric with the amount of time it took it to do so will be created and emitted. For each subsequent time that this happens, no new metrics will be emitted and the same metric will be updated with the new value. Since, in effect, we are interested on the execution time of "validation" of "Model A" over time, we are no longer interested in the previous metric and can assume it has already been scraped.

In summary, whenever you want to track a particular metric over time, you should use the same metric name and metric labels wherever it is emitted. This is how these metrics are "linked" as belonging to the same series.

Grafana Dashboard for Argo Controller Metrics

Please see the Argo Workflows metrics Grafana dashboard.

Defining metrics

Metrics are defined in-place on the Workflow/Step/Task where they are emitted from. Metrics are always processed after the Workflow/Step/Task completes, with the exception of real-time metrics.

Metric definitions must include a name and a help doc string. They can also include any number of labels (when defining labels avoid cardinality explosion). Metrics with the same name must always use the same exact help string, having different metrics with the same name, but with a different help string will cause an error (this is a Prometheus requirement).

All metrics can also be conditionally emitted by defining a when clause. This when clause works the same as elsewhere in a workflow.

A metric must also have a type, it can be one of gauge, histogram, and counter (see below). Within the metric type a value must be specified. This value can be either a literal value of be an Argo variable.

When defining a histogram, buckets must also be provided (see below).

Argo variables can be included anywhere in the metric spec, such as in labels, name, help, when, etc.

Metric names can only contain alphanumeric characters, _, and :.

Metric Spec

In Argo you can define a metric on the Workflow level or on the Template level. Here is an example of a Workflow level Gauge metric that will report the Workflow duration time:

kind: Workflow
  generateName: model-training-
  entrypoint: steps
      - name: exec_duration_gauge         # Metric name (will be prepended with "argo_workflows_")
        labels:                           # Labels are optional. Avoid cardinality explosion.
          - key: name
            value: model_a
        help: "Duration gauge by name"    # A help doc describing your metric. This is required.
        gauge:                            # The metric type. Available are "gauge", "histogram", and "counter".
          value: "{{workflow.duration}}"  # The value of your metric. It could be an Argo variable (see variables doc) or a literal value


An example of a Template-level Counter metric that will increase a counter every time the step fails:

    - name: flakey
          - name: result_counter
            help: "Count of step execution by result status"
              - key: name
                value: flakey
            when: "{{status}} == Failed"       # Emit the metric conditionally. Works the same as normal "when"
              value: "1"                            # This increments the counter by 1
        image: python:alpine3.6
        command: ["python", -c]
        # fail with a 66% probability
        args: ["import random; import sys; exit_code = random.choice([0, 1, 1]); sys.exit(exit_code)"]

A similar example of such a Counter metric that will increase for every step status

    - name: flakey
          - name: result_counter
            help: "Count of step execution by result status"
              - key: name
                value: flakey
              - key: status
                value: "{{status}}"    # Argo variable in `labels`
              value: "1"
        image: python:alpine3.6
        command: ["python", -c]
        # fail with a 66% probability
        args: ["import random; import sys; exit_code = random.choice([0, 1, 1]); sys.exit(exit_code)"]

Finally, an example of a Template-level Histogram metric that tracks an internal value:

    - name: random-int
          - name: random_int_step_histogram
            help: "Value of the int emitted by random-int at step level"
            when: "{{status}} == Succeeded"    # Only emit metric when step succeeds
              buckets:                              # Bins must be defined for histogram metrics
                - 2.01                              # and are part of the metric descriptor.
                - 4.01                              # All metrics in this series MUST have the
                - 6.01                              # same buckets.
                - 8.01
                - 10.01
              value: "{{outputs.parameters.rand-int-value}}"         # References itself for its output (see variables doc)
          - name: rand-int-value
            globalName: rand-int-value
              path: /tmp/rand_int.txt
        image: alpine:latest
        command: [sh, -c]
        args: ["RAND_INT=$((1 + RANDOM % 10)); echo $RAND_INT; echo $RAND_INT > /tmp/rand_int.txt"]

Real-Time Metrics

Argo supports a limited number of real-time metrics. These metrics are emitted in real-time, beginning when the step execution starts and ending when it completes. Real-time metrics are only available on Gauge type metrics and with a limited number of variables.

To define a real-time metric simply add realtime: true to a gauge metric with a valid real-time variable. For example:

    realtime: true
    value: "{{duration}}"


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