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Running Locally

You have two options:

  1. If you're using VSCode, you use the Dev-Container. This takes about 7 minutes.
  2. Install the requirements on your computer manually. This takes about 1 hour.

Git Clone

Clone the Git repo into: $(GOPATH)/src/ Any other path will mean the code generation does not work.

Development Container

A development container is a running Docker container with a well-defined tool/runtime stack and its prerequisites. The Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment.

System requirements can be found here


  • GOPATH must be $HOME/go.
  • for Apple Silicon

    • This platform can spend 3 times the indicated time
    • Configure Docker Desktop to use BuildKit:
    "features": {
      "buildkit": true
  • For Windows WSL2

    • Configure .wslconfig to limit memory usage by the WSL2 to prevent VSCode OOM.
  • For Linux


We recommend using K3D to set up the local Kubernetes cluster since this will allow you to test RBAC set-up and is fast. You can set-up K3D to be part of your default kube config as follows:

k3d cluster start --wait

Alternatively, you can use Minikube to set up the local Kubernetes cluster. Once a local Kubernetes cluster has started via minikube start, your kube config will use Minikube's context automatically.

⚠️ Do not use Docker for Desktop with its embedded Kubernetes, it does not support Kubernetes RBAC (i.e. kubectl auth can-i always returns allowed).

Developing locally

Add the following to your /etc/hosts: dex minio postgres mysql azurite

To start:

  • The controller, so you can run workflows.
  • MinIO (http://localhost:9000, use admin/password) so you can use artifacts:


make start

Make sure you don't see any errors in your terminal. This runs the Workflow Controller locally on your machine (not in Docker/Kubernetes).

You can submit a workflow for testing using kubectl:

kubectl create -f examples/hello-world.yaml

We recommend running make clean before make start to ensure recompilation.

If you made changes to the executor, you need to build the image:

make argoexec-image

To also start the API on http://localhost:2746:

make start API=true

This runs the Argo Server (in addition to the Workflow Controller) locally on your machine.

To also start the UI on http://localhost:8080 (UI=true implies API=true):

make start UI=true


If you are making change to the CLI (i.e. Argo Server), you can build it separately if you want:

make cli
./dist/argo submit examples/hello-world.yaml ;# new CLI is created as `./dist/argo`

Although, note that this will be built automatically if you do: make start API=true.

To test the workflow archive, use PROFILE=mysql or PROFILE=postgres:

make start PROFILE=mysql

You'll have, either:

To test SSO integration, use PROFILE=sso:

make start UI=true PROFILE=sso

Running E2E tests locally

Start up Argo Workflows using the following:

make start PROFILE=mysql AUTH_MODE=client STATIC_FILES=false API=true

If you want to run Azure tests against a local Azurite:

kubectl -n $(KUBE_NAMESPACE) apply -f test/e2e/azure/deploy-azurite.yaml
make start

Running One Test

In most cases, you want to run the test that relates to your changes locally. You should not run all the tests suites. Our CI will run those concurrently when you create a PR, which will give you feedback much faster.

Find the test that you want to run in test/e2e

make TestArtifactServer

Running A Set Of Tests

You can find the build tag at the top of the test file.

//go:build api

You need to run make test-{buildTag}, so for api that would be:

make test-api

Diagnosing Test Failure

Tests often fail: that's good. To diagnose failure:

  • Run kubectl get pods, are pods in the state you expect?
  • Run kubectl get wf, is your workflow in the state you expect?
  • What do the pod logs say? I.e. kubectl logs.
  • Check the controller and argo-server logs. These are printed to the console you ran make start in. Is anything logged at level=error?

If tests run slowly or time out, factory reset your Kubernetes cluster.


Before you commit code and raise a PR, always run:

make pre-commit -B

Please do the following when creating your PR:


git commit --signoff -m 'fix: Fixed broken thing. Fixes #1234'
git commit --signoff -m 'feat: Added a new feature. Fixes #1234'


  • When running make pre-commit -B, if you encounter errors like make: *** [pkg/apiclient/clusterworkflowtemplate/cluster-workflow-template.swagger.json] Error 1, ensure that you have checked out your code into $(GOPATH)/src/
  • If you encounter "out of heap" issues when building UI through Docker, please validate resources allocated to Docker. Compilation may fail if allocated RAM is less than 4Gi.

Using Multiple Terminals

I run the controller in one terminal, and the UI in another. I like the UI: it is much faster to debug workflows than the terminal. This allows you to make changes to the controller and re-start it, without restarting the UI (which I think takes too long to start-up).

As a convenience, CTRL=false implies UI=true, so just run:

make start CTRL=false


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